Here’s a nifty political game to try. Think of as many smears names Donald John Trump is likely to pin on his 2020 presidential opponents — if he runs.
Some possibilities:
Minnesota Senator Al Franken is, of course, Little Al. He is 5’6. Trump is 6’2. This is a reprise of the Little Marco theme from last time.
Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren already is Pocahontas from the dreaded liberal tribe. Trump crowds will chant: SCALP HER NOW! SCALP HER NOW!
Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper is Wiggy, either because he has a cheesy Burt Reynolds-class toupee or, as one reporter wrote, he “…looks like his hair is cut by a thrashing machine.”
To show comparison, Bloated Donny gets his dyed, 1950s style, canary hair tousled by Jimmy Fallon — again.
Vice President Joe Biden: Plug-Head. Many years ago, he had hair plugs installed on his balding head.
Virginia Senator Tim Kaine: Tacky Tim. He features sparse, disheveled hair with rumpled suits from Goodwill.
Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown: Gravel Man, because you want to clear your throat every time he speaks.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo: Shady Andy. The man has got to be mobbed-up — he’s Italian.
California Congressman Adam Schiff: Mr. Rogers, cotton in a burlap world.
California Senator Kamala Harris: Ka-mala, the Gross. She drops the “f-bomb” in her public speeches.
There is a long held belief in politics and business that if you want the most television coverage for your positive story, release it on Thursday, the highest viewing TV night of the week. If you want to bury a negative story, put it out on Friday, the lowest.
However according to the most recent Pew Research Center for Journalism and Media, a whopping 50% of people 18–29 get their news online. While only 27% get it from television.
As we get into the senior zone, the numbers dramatically flip. 85% of older folks sixty-five plus still get their news from television while a modest 20% of the younger group now only use digital sources.
The nub is this: whether on a computer, in our hands or on our wrists, news is with us, on a screen, 24–7, everyday of the year. Does it really matter now which day of the week to run negative or positive stories? We should hit delete on this good Thursday, bad Friday news meme.
Of course, catastrophes and hurricanes eclipse all stories any day of the week.
And then there is Trump’s Shiny Object Gambit.
If you want to distract from a hot negative story, start a fire somewhere else, attack Crooked Hillary, Obama, football players, fake news or start a war in North Korea.
As another authoritarian leader once wrote, “The art of leadership consists in consolidating the attention of the people against a single adversary and taking care that nothing will split up that attention.”
Adolf Hitler
A reminder: This October 26 is when the JFK sequestered assassination files are scheduled to be released to the public. Will it actually happen?
Tom Alderman