Tom Alderman
2 min readSep 5, 2017

DOPEY DON, THE NOT-SO-BRIGHT PRESIDENT, THINKS HE’S CEO OFA COMPANY CALLED AMERICA: For a rich guy, this bumbler actually turns out to be remarkably inept. We should have taken better notice of Donald John Trump’s half-dozen bankruptcies and his nearly 4,100 lawsuits. If you’re lucky enough to have a rich daddy, embrace the huckster’s craft of lying and surround yourself in gold to match your dyed hair, you can fool America’s voters some of the time — apparently about one-third of them.

When you read the transcripts of his foreign leader phone calls, you’re struck with a stunning realization: this man is a dimwit, a bumbling dope who is inarticulate and unfit to hold any public office. People assumed a successful businessman must be smart. So very wrong.

Business people can always right-off a flop as a business failure and move onto the next real-estate scheme — which Dopey Don calls a ‘deal.’ But we cannot write-off incompetence when it comes to governing a mighty nation.

Business and governance are not the same thing — two vastly different goals. The bottom line for business is to deliver a product or service and make a profit.

The bottom line for governance is to organize, administrate and provide security for the three-hundred and twenty-three million people of America.

At its core, government exists to serve each one of us. Dopey Don exists to serve himself.

HOWEVER: There is something positive the chief White House huckster has given us. Dopey Don has boosted the ratings for many news outlets. He is the engine driving the most spectacular renaissance in investigative journalism since Watergate, Woodward & Bernstein. Led by The New York Times, and The Washington Post, coverage of the Russian probe and TrumpWorld is plentiful, remarkable and historic. When all this is over, there will surely be a cadre of celebrity journalists writing books and doing the talk show circuit.

The ironic nub here is that print journalism’s obituary is, ironically, dead. News comes on many different platforms in our digital age. News in a daily paper form may diminish, dissapear or morph into something other than paper. And while broadcast news is significant, printed news will always be the unrivaled choice for those who believe the fundamental idea that God is in the details.

Here’s a salute to the people of journalism, our best defense against a serious challenge to our democracy.

Tom Alderman
Tom Alderman

Written by Tom Alderman

Tom Alderman is a thirty year veteran media analyst, trainer and founder of MediaPrep.

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